Offerors of less than 10 items - this service is free of charge!

  1. You want to offer less than 10 machines or facilities in our auction! -Here you have the change to maintain your offers or demands in our"POKO-Online" database for at least four weeks. For a fast processing please use our online insertion forms.Enter offer
  2. All your machinery will appear here in our "POKO-ONLINE-database"immediately.
  3. We'll forward incoming offers of interested parties to you after four weeks and you can make your decision!
  4. If you choose "success or message" under the point "period switching" in our form we'll forward all incomming bids to you immediately.
  5. Only if our commission operation succeed we take a commission fee of 2,5 % on the sales price (at least EURO 51.- per machine) plus VAT!

B. Offerors of more than 10 items

  1. You want to offer more than 10 (up to 50) machines or facilities in our auction!!
  2. Please send us a data-listing in form of a table as an Email-attachment or by postal service on a disk (optimal - MS-EXCEL)
    POKO- ONLINE Mail POKO-ONLINE     respectively     H. Graßhoff, Wielandstrasse 35, 12159-Berlin-Friedenau
  3. We'll forward incoming offers of interested parties to you after four weeks and you can make your decision!
  4. If you choose "success or message" under the point "period switching" in our form we'll forward all incomming bids to you immediately.
  5. Only if our commission operation succeed we take a commission fee of 2,5 % on the sales price (at least EURO 51.-) of a machine or facility plus VAT
  6. For offering more than 10 items we can arrange special conditions.

    Contact us: tel +49-30-85963089 oder +49-151-43191085 Herrn H. Graßhoff

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